Restoring His



Walls Come Down In Your Life

Word to think on this week. See Joshua 6. Joshua was equipped and given the command to walk around the walls of Jericho, so has God given you what you need to bring down the walls that stand in the way of what He has for you....continue

Heavenly Roar

A Heavenly Roar

The right outcome happens when you have the right understanding. A knowing ...continue

Walking Through That Doorway

Walking Through That Doorway

It takes being faithful with the gifts you have been given even if no one else sees them. ...continue

Your Weapons

Pick Up Your Weapons To Obtain Your Promises

I have given you My Sword the Word and My Shield of My Faith. ...continue

Spirit Of God

A Greater Dimension of God’s Spirit

Two thousand years ago at God’s set time, the fire and wind of God touched down in our world, right on the heads of about 120 believers just like us. They were ...continue

A New Nation Under God

A New Nation Under God

To know what a “new nation” under God is we need to first define “Nation”. The dictionary defines “nation” as a community of people composed of one or more nationalities and possessing a more or less defined territory and government....continue

Revisit That Within

Revisit That Within

Isaiah 35: 3-7: “The eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap as a hart, and the tongue of the dumb shall sing, for IN THE...continue

Another Day

Just Another Day But Not For Someone

Word to think on this week. See Acts 3:6-10. That day was a different day about to happen for one going about what they did day after day, but today there was one that would speak a word they might...continue